
All Alone!

So Chen left me today and won't be returning until around August 15! That's over two weeks of being alone down here in the bottom apartment of our house. All alone! I guess this will give me a chance to be obnoxious and blare Taylor Swift really loudly. I'm really surprised that I don't hate "You Belong with Me" yet, seeing as how I listen to it like 20 times a day. That probably should be added to my "lows."

Today I am just chillin around the house. I just finished reading Survivor. I liked it but it wasn't my favorite. As a result of finishing this book, I have the strong desire to hit up the used bookstores on the downtown mall and feed my addiction to buying used books. I haven't bought any books in quite a while but maybe I should be smart and put that money toward my work wardrobe. Hmm.

Yesterday I bought a cord to connect my hard drive to my computer, so I am now reunited with all of the hilarious things on that. I love looking at the hilarious things that I made in art classes. This one is really silly/hilariously bad--we had to make flipbooks out of sticky notes and then scan them to be viewed as a film.

I'll probably share more hilarious things later.

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