
More wine?

Friday involved even more wine tasting! First Lauren, Bobby, Anna, Alex and I headed to Barboursville Winery for their tasting. I had heard good things about Barboursville--mostly that they give you around 15+ samples of wine. We really enjoyed their selection! Then we all headed to Horton Winery, one of the wineries suggested by the couple that Alex and I met on Thursday at King Family. We really enjoyed the wine here too. I left the tastings with two bottles--both were dessert wines which is really unusual for me. I usually go for the reds. After wine tasting, Alex and I headed to the corner for dinner. I ended up having a white cheese pizza (so not vegan) from Little John's and Alex got dumplings. I am swearing off of the white cheese pizza for a while. After this, Alex and I bought some cheese and crackers and enjoyed the bottle of Viognier that I bought from Cardinal Point the day before. Overall, it was a really good night. Tonight is going to be much more chill because I have to work all day tomorrow.

Wine weekend

I took Thursday off this week because Alex is on spring break, UVa had Friday off and I have to work all day Sunday so I wanted to still have a three day weekend. Thursdays weather wasn't so great but Alex and I decided to go wine tasting anyways. First we went to Cardinal Point. I was really surprised at how good their white wines were. We were the only people there. Then we went to Pollak. Here Alex bought a more expensive bottle that was a blend of three wines in the area. Three vineyards got together and each contributed a different red. We're saving that bottle for a special occasion. Then last we went to King family...where Alex and I met! Everything there was really good. Both Alex and I loved the port so we each got a glass of that. We sat by the fire and talked to another couple who was there for the tasting as well. I also took a picture of the giant wine glass I found in the bathroom.

I ended up falling asleep on the couch pretty soon after we got back from tasting. Some friends came over later and luckily I was able to rally and hang out with them.


Friday night

I heart ferrets. Wine. Fire!